2024: A Year of Innovation and Milestones

1. Enhanced modular FPGA Technology

  • Introduced advanced modular capabilities, allowing users to tailor systems to specific application needs.

2. Launch of Edge Computing Solutions

  • Extending our cutting-edge edge computer with extra ruggedization and an extended temperature range, designed for demanding applications such as drones.

3. Strengthened Global Presence

  • Expanding our customer base in key markets, including North America, Europe, Middle East & Asia.
  • Participated in major industry events, showcasing Gidel's innovative solutions: Embedded World 2024 in Nuremberg. Machine Vision 2024 in Stuttgart. Vision China Shanghai 2024. Military & Aviation 2024 in Tel Aviv. Industry 4.0 Delegation hosted by the Israeli Ministry of Economy and Industry in Italy & Germany.

4. Long Life Production

  • Providing continued production and over 20 years of long-life cycle support to our customers.

Vision for 2025: As we step into 2025, Gidel remains committed to innovation, customer satisfaction, and excellence in vision processing and edge computing technologies. Together with our partners and clients, we aim to shape a Smarter, Faster & more connected future.

Wishing you all a successful and fulfilling year ahead!
Gidel's Team.
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