Imaging & Vision

Solutions for high-bandwidth image acquisition, processing, and recording

InfiniVision multi-camera acquisition

Computer vision or machine vision is used in many application areas such as industrial inspection, scientific or medical imaging, traffic monitoring, and many more. In this highly innovative field, new applications are invented every day in areas as diverse as agriculture, sports analytics, or broadcasting.

Growing need for high-bandwidth vision and imaging applications
New sensor and interface technologies constantly push the boundaries of image resolution and frame rates. At the same time, host processors become more and more powerful in ever smaller footprints. As a result, today there are more and more applications that implement real-time image processing at high bandwidth in smaller packages.

Hardware and software tools to boost your vision
Gidel has been a specialist in FPGA processing for more than 30 years with a strong focus on vision applications. Our technology allows developers of vision and imaging systems to avoid bandwidth bottlenecks and boost their processing speed. Our innovative hardware and software tools enable engineers to speed up their development time, enhance their technology, and deliver robust high-bandwidth vision systems.

Our products and solutions for imaging and vision

Boost your vision! Gidel provides advanced hardware and software tools for your high-bandwidth imaging application


Learn more about our solutions for high-bandwith image processing

PDF file
White Paper: Image Processing at Gigapixels per Second

Advanced vision systems rely on one or multiple high-resolution, high-speed cameras. These capture and deliver multiple gigapixels per second that need to be processed and/or compressed in real-time. While camera sensor technology and supporting interfaces are quicky evolving, traditional PCIe/CPU/GPU-based PC-architectures are lacking the required performance to capture, process, and store images at such data rates.

Video: Overcoming bandwidth limitations of vision on the edge
Video: Overcoming bandwidth limitations of vision on the edge

Edge computing is gaining ground in the vision industry. However, it is struggling with bandwidth and latency limitations when it comes to high-resolution, high-speeda and/or complex multi-camera systems. This presentation explores the bandwidth bottlenecks and technical challenges and investigates technical solutions to implement high-bandwidth, low-latency imaging with AI processing on the edge.

Video: FantoVision edge computers
Video: FantoVision edge computer for high-bandwidth vision

FantoVision is a new generation of ultra-compact computers specially designed for high-bandwidth vision on the edge. Overcome bandwidth limitations in high-speed, high-resolution and/or multi-camera applications with FantoVision’s compression, processing and storage capabilities!

Video: FantoVision Edge computers
Video: Gidel FantoVision embedded conputers at Embedded World 2022

Gidel founder and CTO Reuven Weintraub presents the new FantoVision edge computers with 10GigE, Camera Link or CoaXPress interface for vision on the edge at the Embedded World Show 2022 in Nuremberg, Germany.

Video clip: Gidel frame grabbers
Video: Gidel frame grabbers for high-bandwidth image acquisition

Boost your vision! Gidel’s high-performance GigE Vision, Camera Link and CoaXPress frame grabbers help overcome bandwidth bootlenecks in high-resolution and/or high-speed computer vision applications.

Video: Gidel frame grabbers
Video: Gidel high-performance frame grabbers at Embedded World 2022

Gidel founder and CTO Reuven Weintraub presents the performance and versatility of Gidel’s GigE Vision, Camera Link and CoaXPress frame grabber for high-speed image acquisition and pre-processing at the Embedded World 2022 in Nuremberg, Germany.


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